The multitude of blessings that has come about and out of the abundance of God's love and grace can never be calculated but as we count the years of God's goodness, we find reasons to celebrate. So on this day of Micah's debut as a princess ready for the bigger world, she was rededicated to the Lord who gave her the life that she now lives. As a Christian, this is Micah's testimony of the salvation we all have in Jesus Christ, and her commitment made in public to keep herself pure as a temple of the Holy Spirit. After hands were raised to lay upon her and bless her during the solemn ceremony, people proceeded to joyfully celebrate with her raising hands holding text balloons and party props at the photo booth.
The etymology of our name, Flickapalooza, was derived from "Flicker" or "flicka" - a flash of light in common parlance, and the word "Palooza" which is an urban reference to a festivity of fun and enjoyment. It sounds right when you see people getting merry and boisterous as they amuse themselves at the photobooth.
Looking for your wacky pose? It's not on this blog post but we're sure you'll find it on this album.